Engaging mind, body, and spirit at EDS

The Episcopal Day School has an exceptional curriculum which exceeds North Carolina’s state requirements and has been approved by the Southern Association of Independent Schools.

We expose students to a variety of academic and enrichment activities using instructional practices which take into account a variety of learning styles.

What sets us apart?

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“Fruit of the Spirit”

This character education framework was designed by EDS teachers. Using Galatians 5: 22-23 as a guide, teachers developed and gathered ideas for promoting a different Fruit of the Spirit each month (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control) in classrooms, in Tuesday and Thursday chapel services, and throughout the school. This program is woven throughout the EDS curriculum.

UFLI: University of Florida Literacy Institute

UFLI Foundations is an explicit and systematic program that teaches students the foundational skills necessary for proficient reading. It follows a carefully developed scope and sequence designed to ensure that students systematically acquire each skill needed and learn to apply each skill with automaticity and confidence.

Project Learning / Individual Projects

Project learning is a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges. With this type of active and engaged learning, students are inspired to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they’re studying. Students also participate in individual projects based on grade level subject matter. Projects are presented in different media/formats, such as Power Point Presentation, display, or oral report.


Thinking Maps

Eight specific visual patterns are used to help organize thoughts and information. Visualizing thinking allows students to have a concrete image of their abstract thoughts. Visual representations enhance the brain’s natural ability to detect and construct meaningful patterns. Thinking Maps reduce anxiety by providing familiar visual patterns for thinking and working with complex ideas and situations, and allowing them to begin writing with little hesitation.

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The Early Childhood Program (ECP)

Developmentally appropriate experiences are offered within a respectful, warm, and loving atmosphere.

Children are exposed to print and language through whole language experiences and through our unique Spalding Phonics program.

Students are instructed in writing using modern manuscript, which offers an easy transition to cursive writing in 3rd grade.

Children are guided to be socially and emotionally confident, creative thinkers, and effective communicators.

Episcopal Day School offers the following classes to meet the needs of our Early Childhood students:

Preschool:  Social/emotional skills are valued and nurtured.  Fundamental cognitive and school readiness concepts are taught through individual and small group activities that nurture problem-solving skills, creativity, and teamwork. Chapel, Spanish, Music, Physical Education, Library, Art, Tech Time, and Character Education classes enrich this program. 

Kindergarten Preparatory:  Social/emotional skills are valued, and the ability to self-regulate is evident.  Cognitive concepts are reinforced through more structured and formal activities to promote deeper skill building in reading, math, and fine motor skills.  Students work more independently or with peers on more in-depth projects and tasks.  Chapel, Spanish, Music, Physical Education, Library, Art, and Computer classes enrich this program. 

The following curriculum resources support the Early Childhood Program at EDS:

North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development , The Creative Curriculum for Preschool, Savvas OWL Literacy Program for Kindergarten Preparatory, National Association for the Education of Young Children Program Standards 

Click here for EDS Early Childhood Program class structure.

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Kindergarten - 5th Grade

Learn about each grade by clicking on the icons for a printable PDF.


Specials Classes



Episcopal Day School students are given instructions in basic art, art appreciation, and art history.  Students explore a wide range of media and techniques. Painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, clay, and weaving are all part of the curriculum to give students a variety of experiences.

Various artists as well as art history studies are introduced, including, Ancient Egyptian Civilization, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, The Middle Ages, The Renaissance, North Carolina Arts and Crafts, American Art History, and 20th/21st Century Art.  Students are provided with hands-on activities to further their understanding of each historical period.

Grade 4 and 5 students are offered membership in The Episcopal Day School Art Club.  Throughout the years our art club members have been involved in altruistic projects within our school community, such as scenery for the Christmas concert and the annual auction fund raiser.

The children are encouraged to recognize art in nature and our environment and to value art and artistic expression in our daily lives. Art fosters improved spatial reasoning, visualization, fine motor skills development, and creative thinking.  Most importantly, is the self-confidence that is developed in students through the work they create.


The goal of the computer/technology skills program at Episcopal Day School is to provide students with the essential knowledge and skills they need to be active learners in a technologically sophisticated environment.

The curriculum is a balanced instructional program with a continuous progression of skills from preschool through grade five.  Students develop these skills in the areas of keyboarding, word processing, graphic programs, data analysis with spreadsheets, desktop publishing, information gathering from the internet, the use of multimedia software for presentations, and coding with iPads.  Students are also taught the responsible use and application of technology.

Class work is done independently and collaboratively as a means of acquiring, integrating, and applying technology in a variety of ways.  A graduating fifth grader will have all the skills needed to: use a word processor to complete a writing assignment, produce a spreadsheet to display and analyze data, access telecommunications to find information for research purposes, and create a presentation using multimedia software.

Our computer lab has nineteen networked Dell computers with 20″ flat panel screens, two color printers, and school-wide access to the Internet. There are also Makerspace materials where students have an opportunity to explore their own interests and develop creative projects.


The ability to speak and write Spanish is an invaluable skill for the 21st century. Our goal is to lay a foundation for further study of the Spanish language.

Our Spanish program focuses on communication in an environment that does not separate the language from the culture.  The class is designed to surround students with everyday activities and vocabulary.  The vast world in which Spanish is spoken is brought into each student’s experience by way of historical celebrations, stories, games, holidays, map study skills, music, and art.

Our mission is to teach Spanish, the language and the culture, in an enjoyable and positive manner focusing on communication and appreciation of the similarities and differences between our two cultures.

Resource Support Program

The resource support coordinator offers academic services to students who have been referred by a classroom teacher since they are in need of additional academic, social, or emotional support.

The resource support coordinator also functions as a consultant to the classroom teacher, providing assistance with specialized student instruction as well as suggestions for curricular differentiation and class projects/lessons.

Finally, the resource support coordinator is responsible for school-wide testing throughout the school year. Testing for new students is done individually and as needed during the year. Standardized testing is conducted each spring for grades one through five.


The mission of the Episcopal Day School library is to support the school in achieving its educational goals. By providing a variety of experiences in the library, students develop a love for books, an appreciation for literature, and an understanding of how to gather information. The library houses a collection of over 7,000 books, magazines, and reference materials. In addition, our Accelerated Reader (AR) program is offered to students on every reading level. The library is available to students at regularly scheduled times during the week and for independent study during non-scheduled times.

Book Blast-Off: Third through fifth graders have the opportunity to read 10-15 novels throughout the winter months and compete in this battle of the books type contest in February.

Book Fair: Another annual event is the EDS Book Fair. This library fund raiser is supported by students, faculty, parents, and is open to the general public. This event has grown to be so large and successful that it is now held in the church Parish Hall.  Using a different theme each year, the whole school gets involved in decorating the hall. The book fair kicks off with a family night from 6:00-8:00pm and continues during school hours for the remainder of the week. The library benefits from the sale of each book, and past book fairs have allowed EDS to the purchase new books, software, subscriptions to online encyclopedias, and computer equipment.


Music at Episcopal Day School is a multi-sensory experience where each child is given the opportunity to sing, play instruments, move and create. Children discover that music is not only fun, it is also a lifetime adventure. Classes are based on an instructional approach which includes jazz, classical traditions, as well as a study of various classical and jazz composers. Children also begin to learn how to read and write music.

Two special musical programs are presented during the school year. Each December, our “Old Fashion Christmas Concert” is held. ECP and kindergarten offer a morning concert, while first through fifth grades offer an evening performance.  In the spring, the third, fourth, and fifth grade students perform a musical which is chosen by the Music Club. The Music Club is open to any interested third, fourth, or fifth grade student. The purpose of the club is to share music through concerts at EDS events.

Physical Education

Episcopal Day school provides a well-rounded physical education program for all students. It offers each student a strong basis of lifetime fitness, sports, and recreational skills. The curriculum is the SPARK program which has been honored as an Exemplary Program of the U.S. Department of Education. SPARK is the only program to earn “PE Gold” grades K-8.

Field day is a special event that takes place each year. All students participate in age appropriate events and games.  From our youngest to oldest gators, everyone looks forward to this exciting event.

Chapel and Sacred Studies

The Episcopal Day School began as an educational and spiritual extension of Emmanuel Episcopal Church. A goal was to reach out to as many people as possible in the surrounding communities. Episcopal Day School offers families an opportunity to nurture their children’s academic and spiritual development in a loving Christian atmosphere.

Twice a week, students and faculty members gather for Chapel in the Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Our fourth and fifth grade students serve as acolytes and readers in the services. The services are planned around biblical themes, always focusing on God’s love for each individual and His covenant with the community of faith. The church calendar, with it’s various seasons and festivals, lends excitement to each service.

Early childhood students participate in a character education program focusing on an extension of chapel themes, Fruit of the Spirit lessons, and Bible stories. Students in grades kindergarten through five attend a more in depth class called Sacred Studies which has the same focus.

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