2025 Summer Camp at eds
EDS limits our summer camps to EDS students only.
Thank you for understanding.
Episcopal Day School offers many summer camps to keep your little gators busy. Gator Days is our summer camp perfect for anyone 3 years old to rising 5th grade. Campers must turn 3 years old by May 31st to sign up for summer camps. Gator Days offers full day sessions (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) at $235 per week. You must sign up for a teacher-directed morning camp to sign up for Gator Days afternoon only (12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.) at $110 per week. Campers must be completely potty trained to attend camp. We also offer many teacher-directed camps. All teacher-directed camps are morning only (8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.). Below you will find a description of each camp including fees. Registration is online only. An Information and Medical form is also required when registering. All camps (including Gator Days) must be prepaid at the time of registration. Camps are non-refundable. Registration begins March 13, 2025!
Please choose the correct grade level when registering for Gator Days camps. Gator Days is full day only. You may sign up for an afternoon session ONLY if you register for a morning teacher camp. This option is available for all students; however, please note that a portion of the afternoon is designated as naptime for ECP students.
June 9-13 Camp GLOW: Campers will create unique art that glows in the dark. They will also aim to achieve “Glow Status” as they complete various activities.
Full Day Session (8am-4pm) $235 / Afternoon Session (12pm - 4pm) $110
June 16-20 Super Hero Week: Campers will dress up on announced days and create super hero art and activities all week.
Full Day Session (8am-4pm) $235 / Afternoon Session (12pm - 4pm) $110
June 23-27 Adventure Camp: Campers will explore different cultures and have some fun.
This week will also include a field trip.
Full Day Session (8am-4pm) $235 / Afternoon Session (12pm - 4pm) $110
June 30 - July 2 Party in the USA: This is our only three day camp. Campers will celebrate our country.
Full Day Session (8am-4pm) $145
July 7 - 11 Exploration Camp: Students will enjoy scavenger hunts, games, and more.
This week will also include a field trip.
Full Day Session (8am-4pm) $235 / Afternoon Session (12pm - 4pm) $110
July 14-18 I Love Surprises: This week is full of surprises. Students will experience “Excitement” all week!
Full Day Session (8am-4pm) $235 / K-5 Afternoon Session (12pm - 4pm) $110
July 21-25 Legacy Week: Summer camp ends with a bang! We will highlight our summer with some of our most favorite activities.
Full Day Session (8am-4pm) $235 / K-5 Afternoon Session (12pm - 4pm) $110
Teacher Directed Camps
June 9 - 13
Mrs. Risseler’s Ooey Gooey Camp - ECP (preschool and KPrep) - Do your children like slime? Do they like being messy? They will love this camp! Children will play with slime, oobleck, flubber, Play-Doh, shaving cream, and other sensory items. They will even make an edible slime snack! (see flyer) $160
Mrs. Gessner’s Music Fun Camp - Kindergarten -5th grade Music Fun campers will enjoy music games, silly songs, making instruments, and dancing. (see flyer) $165
June 16 - 20
Mrs. Hopkins’s Summer Olympics - Preschool and KPrep students will participate in our Olympic games. $155
Mrs. Adams’s Commotion in the Ocean -Kindergarten-2nd grade students will have hands on fun with items from our ocean and water, with an exciting study of some of our beloved ocean creatures. $155
Mrs. Belton’s Robotics Camp - 3rd - 5th grade students will practice coding skills using robots. (see flyer) $155
June 23 - 27
Mrs. Bradford’s “Where the Wild Things Are” Camp - K Prep and kindergarten students will retell the story, role play, create art, and perform a play based on the popular book. $155
Mrs. Belton’s Pet Camp - First and second grade students will learn how to care for a variety of animals. We will have visitors from Weymouth and Southern Pines Equine. (see flyer) $155
Mrs. Sumner’s Basketball Camp - Third through fifth grade students will learn all about basketball with hands on fun. $155
June 30 - July 2
No Teacher Camps This Week
July 7 - 11
Mrs. Schwerin’s Lego Camp - Second through fifth grade students have fun with Legos. $155
July 14 - 18
Ms. Russel’s Hatchlings Haven Camp - This camp is for our youngest gators and is by invitation only. (9:00 am to 12:00 pm) $125
Mrs. Risseler’s Dinosaur Camp - Students will learn about dinosaurs through crafts and activities. We will explore fossils and volcanoes (see flyer) $155
Ms. Barton’s Blast Off to Kindergarten Camp - This camp is designed to give entering kindergartners the opportunity to work on the skills necessary for success in kindergarten such as: phonics, fluency, math, printing, and social skills. Both sessions of this camp are the same so please select one week only. $155
Mrs. Hopkins’s Summer Olympics - First and second grade students will participate in our Olympic games. $155
July 21 - 25
No Teacher Camps This Week